Sunday, 18 November 2012

so, this is how people with M syndrome

Pretending ill or even exaggerating it, is the action plays by patients with M syndrome.The condition should not be confused with hypochondria, which is also a psychological ailment primarily defined by a fear of illness – this leads to the sufferer interpreting normal bodily functions or minor aches as symptoms of something much more serious. Munchausen’s also has nothing to do with malingering – where a person fakes being sick in order to gain benefit, such as monetary compensation.People with M syndrome like to be in hospital setting.

What are the symptoms?
People with Munchausen’s Syndrome can show different types of behaviour, such as:
  • Pretending to have psychological symptoms: for example, claiming to hear voices or claiming to see things that are not really there.
  • Pretending to have physical symptoms: such as chest pain or stomach ache.
  • Actively seeking to make themselves ill: such as deliberately infecting a wound by rubbing dirt into it.
Some people with the condition may spend years travelling from hospital to hospital  and faking a wide range of illnesses. When it is discovered that they are lying, they may suddenly leave hospital and move to another district. They have the capacity to be very manipulative and, in the most serious cases, a person with the condition may undergo painful and sometimes life-threatening surgery, even though they know it is not necessary. There have been several cases where people have died due to complications arising from such treatment.
It is not exactly known how common Munchausen’s is because many sufferers successfully manage to convince medical professionals that they are actually ill. But it is also possible that the condition is over-diagnosed because the sufferer may travel from hospital to hospital.


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